Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Asa Jones

Two of my very closest friends got married this past weekend, what a beautiful wedding!! The church ceremony was just incredibly beautiful and the reception was a BLAST! So much hard work and planning went into this day to make it as perfect as it turned out to be! Though I've shot many weddings, this one was tough to shoot with tears flowing behind the camera! Asa and Caitlin, I could not be happier for the both of you! <3

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Keesha's Senior Pictures

I had so much fun taking this little models senior pictures! It was a beautiful day for an outside shoot!!! Thanks for coming in Keesha and good luck with your senior year!

My Davis

My little Davis is getting so big. You would not believe it, he actually was VERY excited to do his pictures... that has only happened-NEVER! Must be because he's all grown up and a big school kid these days! Im so proud of my little "student of the month." He's done such a great job in school already and he amazes me everyday. I love you Davis Bradley!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Ella doesn't want to..."

Oh little Ella made me laugh way too much during her shoot. She lets you know what she wants and doesn't want in third person. So when she didnt want to hold the sparkly snowflakes she said "Ella doesn't want to!" TOO cute! What a great family with an absolutely GORGEOUS little girl!! Thank you, Michelle, for coming in with your beautiful family.