Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Princess Phoebe

Miss Phoebe was WAY too much fun to have around! It took her a few minutes to warm up to her strange surroundings, but at as soon as she realized she could jump me, it made her entire day!! She kept scaring me and laughing SO hard when I jumped!! I enjoyed her so much. Thank you Jessica for bringing in your sweet little Phoebe!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Miss Brylee is Three Months!

Little Brylee is getting so big! I love when her and her mommy come and spend time in the studio! Brylee is always so good for her sessions! She does the cutest little things with her little pouty lip and she has such a happy little personality! Couldn't have had a better 3 month session miss Brylee, and you are TOO cute!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Danica was BLAST!! She was soo well behaved and made me laugh a lot!! Posing wasn't too much for this little model!! Until she found my flowers, the she went into organization mode! She took out every flower, in each color, then put them back how she wanted them!! So glad I got to meet this family!! Thanks for bringing little Danica in!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cute Little Dawson!!

Thank you Nicole for bringing in little Dawson!!! This guy was full of smiles from the minute he was carried through the door!! He loves chomping on his fingers and thinks its too funny when you pull them out of his cute little mouth! He has such a great little personality and even when he gets made, he composes himself so well!! I am so glad I got to meet this little guy and I'm even more glad that I get to capture his milestones as he gets older!

Brandon's Senior Shoot

Believe it or not, I used to babysit this guy when he was MUCH younger... Boy didn't I feel old when his mother contacted me about his senior portrait shoot. I just can't believe how fast time goes by and how many things change. I am so glad that I got to be a part of creating memories for his mom and dad.. and even himself at such a big time in his life! Good luck senior year Brandon!