Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Crazy Little Corbin

THIS guy was WAY too fun! He had me laughing the ENTIRE time he was in my studio!! Our plans were to have an outdoor shoot as well as indoor, but it rained on our parade! However, Corbin still had a blast and I couldn't have had more fun myself! Thank you Renee, SO MUCH, for bringing him in to see me! He is an AWESOME little man! :)

Baby Khloe is SIX months!!!!

Little Khloe has been visiting me every month since she was only days old!! I can not believe she is already six months old! She has such a big personality and she knows what she wants. She ALSO knows what she DOESN'T want- and usually it's me and my camera! Oh, she makes me laugh so much, especially when she started sunbathing in her bikini!! Thank you Shannon for bringing her in to see me every month! :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jordan Taylor

My oh my this little girl has TONS of energy! I had so much fun trying to keep up with her and keep her interested in ME and not the easter eggs!! Jordan made me laugh so much through out the session and at one point, when I walked out of the room to grab my camera, I heard her say "where areeeee youuuuuuuu" as she patiently waited, posed, in the camera room! She is just way TOO cute!! Thank you Amy for bringing her in!