Monday, June 28, 2010

Haley, Colby and Trace

I was SO happy to see these kiddos again. I have known this family for quite some time now and Haley and Colby have always been fun to photograph. This was my first time meeting Trace and he follows right in their footsteps!! Once again, the photo session with this family was a BLAST and I enjoy having them here so much!! Haley has changed into a beautiful young lady and it was amazing to see Colby have a younger brother, they are so close and bring out the best in each other! Thanks Erica and Jason for bringing them in!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Beautiful Haleigh

This was Haleigh's first visit with me and she was a little skeptical! She was so funny, everytime she would start crying, she still couldn't help but laugh at me! She made me laugh so much and she is so beautiful with her cute little red hairs and big blue eyes!!

Braeley & Brylee

Brealey & Brylee were so cute and snuggly taking photos together. They are only a week apart in age and they are going to be great friends! They were both pretty irritated and over their photo sessions until they started taking them together, then they stayed sleepy and calm. They loved having each other around! Thanks Sam and Ashley for bringing these two in, I just love them to pieces!

Little Connor David

Little Connor David came in his cute little Baptism outfit and was SO handsome in it! He was all smiles when he first showed up and I fell in love with his big beautiful blue eyeballs!! I had so much fun and was so glad to meet this little guy and his mommy!! He did great! Next time he's in, I bet he will be crawling all over the place! I can't wait!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beautiful Brylee Paige

This precious little baby girl was so much fun to photograph. She is so beautiful and I enjoyed Brylee and her Mommy and Daddy! She gave us a fight in the beginning, but once she fell asleep, nothing could wake her up! An awesome family and I'm so blessed to be able to capture Brylee's moments as she grows into a beautiful little girl.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Braeley Mya

Baby Braeley made it back in to finish her shoot and did AMAZING!! Although she had to eat between almost every shot, she finally made it through her first photo shoot!! I'm sure we will be seeing much more of her cute face seems how I can't stay away from her!! :)